Friday, May 21, 2010

Bible Gateway Commentary

  • Divided into three quick movements

  • Judas provides his note of betrayal and hypocrisy, the arrest occurs when Judas greets Jesus with a kiss

  • Disciples attempt to defend Jesus with a sword but he refuses

  • Last, Jesus rebukes his disciples and healed the ear of one of the arresters which showed His love towards his enemies

  • Sometimes traitors like Judas grow up in Jesus' shadows

  • When the disciples went to defend Jesus, Jesus stops the attempt to defend Him from violence because Jesus sets off to a different path

  • The healed servant represents severed ear could also be restored when he listens to Jesus

  • Also, the arresters did not arrest Jesus in the public but in a private setting because they feared the people. Sin likes to work in secret

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you put your thoughts into the blog. It occured to me as a very deep and wise interpretation. I also like your pictures, makes me feel like in heaven. Jason Lo
