Saturday, May 22, 2010


  1. Jesus loves you no matter how sinful you are just as how He healed the right ear of one of the high priest

  2. Jesus is a very merciful and caring God since He gave up his life for our sins

  3. No matter what situation Jesus is in, He is never afraid of what is going to happen so we should not be afraid since God is always with us

  4. Jesus likes peace more than violence, it was showed when He told the disciples to stop the argument that is why Jesus tells us that violence does not solve the problem


  1. Really powerful... helps me remember of Jesus' love and grace for us! ><
    Helps a lot LOT to me...... I'm reminded! (:

  2. You did an excellent job in including applications for our lives! Thanks for reminding me that we should never be afraid, since God is always with us.

  3. (btw, "strawberry0204" is me, hannah chu...i don't know why im called that. i made that name so long yeh..)

  4. Except for the fact that the posts are shown in reverse order, you did a great job in terms of filling the blog with content. I really liked the commentary too.

  5. great job, kevin :)
    the application part was a nice addition. very insightful. these are lessons we all need to learn... and jesus is the perfect role model.

  6. Hi, Kevin. It's Nath. i liked the application part, it was nice. also, i agree with John about the reverse order part.

    P.S. Stardust Dragon photo? Seriously?!
